Lirik Lagu Here's Your Perfect Jamie Miller

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Judul : Lirik Lagu Here's Your Perfect Jamie Miller

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Lirik Lagu Here's Your Perfect Jamie Miller

I remember the day
Even wrote down the date, that I fell for you (mmhm)
And now it's crossed out in red
But I still can't forget if I wanted too
And it drives me insane
Think I'm hearing your name, everywhere I go
But it's all in my head
It's just all in my head

But you won't see me break, call you up in three days
Or send you a bouquet, saying, "It's a mistake"
Drink my troubles away, one more glass of champagne
And you know

I'm the first to say that I'm not perfect
And you're the first to say you want the best thing
But now I know a perfect way to let you go
Give my last hello, hope it's worth it
Here's your perfect

My best was just fine
How I tried, how I tried to be great for you
I'm flawed by design and you love to remind me
No matter what I do

But you won't see me break, call you up in three days
Or send you a bouquet, saying, "It's a mistake"
Drink my troubles away, one more glass of champagne
And you know

I'm the first to say that I'm not perfect
And you're the first to say you want the best thing
But now I know a perfect way to let you go
Give my last hello, hope it's worth it
I'm the first to say that I'm not perfect
And you're the first to say you want the best thing (best thing, yeah)
But now I know a perfect way to let you go
Give my last hello, hope it's worth it

Say yeah, yeah, yeah
Ayy-ayy, ayy-ayy
But now I know a perfect way to let you go
Give my last hello, hope it's worth it
Here's your perfect

Sumber: LyricFind
Penulis lagu: Bendik Moller / Jamie Miller / Salem Davern
Lirik Here's Your Perfect © Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd., Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

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