Lirik Lagu Not With Me - Bondan Prakoso

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Di sini kami hanya untuk mengarsipkan sebanyak - banyaknya , agar lebih mudah di apresiasi dan dinyanyikan oleh kita semua para pecinta musik tanah air serta mancanegara. Untuk kali ini Lirik Lagu Not With Me - Bondan Prakoso

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Lirik Lagu Not With Me - Bondan Prakoso


I'm walking up from my summers dreams again
try to thinking if you're alright
then I'm shattered by the shadows of your eyes
knowing you're still here by my side

I can see you if you're not with me
I can say to my self if you're OKAY
I can feel you if you're not with me
I can reach you my self, yuo show me the way

life was never be so easy as it seems
'till you come and bring your love inside
no matter space and distance make it look so far
still I know you're still here by my side

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Bondan:'ve made me so alive ,you give the best for and fantasy
yeah..and i never feel so lonely, coz you're always here with me..yeah..always here with me

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I'm walking up from my summers dreams again
try to thinking if you're alright
then I'm shattered by the shadows of your eyes
knowing you're still here by my side

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